Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Small Update

Well, it has been a week since my last post. Not much has happened in that time, but here is what HAS happened nonetheless. I received another check from Peace Corps, it appears that they considered me eligible for an additional $125 of medical reimbursement, which brings the total reimbursement to $137. I am presently working on a "professional" resume to submit to the Placement office. That has been a bit of a challenge as I have little experience and all education. I want to put together something worth reading for goodness sake! Not just: "Here is my educational background, and well, I have NO relevant experience." Even if I do submit such a resume it will not impede my progress toward becoming a volunteer, but I want to submit a good truthful resume that is at least somewhat interesting.

On another note, today I am one step closer to my degree. I completed the final exam for my Statistics course about an hour ago. Once that grade is submitted to the registrar's office at UAF I will have 139 credits on my transcript. Also, I will be attending my LAST formal undergraduate level college lecture tonight from 5:30pm to 6:45pm!!! That is provided I do not ruin anything while finishing up my other two correspondence courses. When my Physics final is complete on Thursday night and that grade is submitted via transfer from UNM to UAF I will be at 143 credits. The remaining credit is Geography of Alaska (GEOG 302): 3 credits and Calculus (MATH 200): 4 credits. So... 143 + 3 +4 = 150!!! That is, I should have 150 credits when I finish everything in about another week or two!

Well, that's about it for now. I hope all of you have a great day and may God's peace and blessings be with you!

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