KLM (Joburg to Amsterdam)
I have been looking for opportunities to volunteer and have been so far successful with one group the Salesian Lay Missioners. I have made a lot of progress in the application process over last weeks and things look positive. I will be headed to Chicago at the end of the month for an event they are holding to see if I am a good fit for their organization and to discern if God is calling me to this particular mission. The event is only two days long and because I will be close to Wisconsin where some of my family resides I will be visiting there for a few days before returning to New Mexico. Provided everything stays well with the Salesians I should have an idea of where I will be serving once I have submitted the last few documents and have had a phone interview. Of the places they serve and what they do in those places I think it is most likely that I will be going to India or China. Africa is still a possibility but I qualify less for their missions in South Africa and Sierra Leone. I would love to return to Africa, but I'll leave the decision up to God and go wherever I will be most helpful.

Chicago, Illinois
Once again please pray for me, I will need it to make wise decisions and try to fulfill God's will for my life. And please pray for all of my friends in Peace Corps Zambia that they all have safe and fulfilling terms of service. They are all wonderful people and I'm sure each of them will do great things.
I will keep you informed. Have a great day, and in the second most prominent language in Zambia, Nyanja:
Tsilani Bwino! (Stay well)
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