Hey there! Well, today was another exciting day! I've been waiting on my final grade to come in for my degree to be officially awarded. After a good long wait, my grade was submitted this morning! I immediately called the graduation office at UAF to inform them. The graduation coordinator, Emily Thielke answered the phone and I told her that the grade had been posted. Her response: "SWEET!" literally, that's what she said! I was already jumping for joy and then she said, "Okay, what's your student I.D." I gave it to her and then I heard her typing on a computer in the background... "Alright, I am awarding you your degree, I'll have it printed and mailed to you soon!" After I got off the phone with her, I signed on to my UAonline account which has a lot of information including an electronic version of my transcript, on the top of my transcript were the words: Degree Awarded - Bachelor of Science ... Degree Date: 8/20/2008. The reason that the degree date is 8/20 and not 10/8 is because I applied for summer graduation and that is the date printed on all summer graduation diplomas and transcripts. Technically, I completed the work for my degree on 9/16/08. Either way, I completed my Bachelor's degree before my 20th birthday! Wahoo!
In case you're wondering, I ended up with 150 credits. I completed this in three years which means an average of 50 credits per year, 25 credits per semester, or 17 credits per semester if summer is considered as an additional semester. I CLEPed out of 18 credits, credit by examed an introductory geology course, and completed around 20 credits per semester beginning with the Fall of 2006 - Spring of 2008.
Anyway, I'll write more about Peace Corps, Zambia, and everything else soon. God Bless you all out there. I give thanks to God for his grace, mercy, and bountiful blessings, and among those blessings are all of you! Peace be with you... until next time.
In case you're wondering, I ended up with 150 credits. I completed this in three years which means an average of 50 credits per year, 25 credits per semester, or 17 credits per semester if summer is considered as an additional semester. I CLEPed out of 18 credits, credit by examed an introductory geology course, and completed around 20 credits per semester beginning with the Fall of 2006 - Spring of 2008.
Anyway, I'll write more about Peace Corps, Zambia, and everything else soon. God Bless you all out there. I give thanks to God for his grace, mercy, and bountiful blessings, and among those blessings are all of you! Peace be with you... until next time.